10 Things I'm Currently Obsessed With

The moment I think I'm going to have time and space tobreathe, life takes me by surprise and ambushes me with a dose ofnonstop, go-go-go, moving & shaking. It's important, for me, and formy continuing self-care, to take a moment to pause and think about allthe awesome things happening in my life. I could quite Ferris Bueller,but it's not going to be anything new to you! So, some things.

1. Dressing for Summer

Okay,this isn't a new or interesting concept, but the truth is, I'm prettyhorrible at dressing in a "weather appropriate" manner. If it were up tome, I'd wear a leather jacket year round. So, the idea of finallytrying to break into this world of "open toe shoes" and "flowy silkfabrics" and "not all black all the time" are, well, sort of foreign tome. A years old Calypso dress and a silky DVF tunic and Salt Water sandals have been my saviors.


2. Being Close to The Water

Growingup in Southern California, being at the beach was an essential part ofmy childhood - especially in the summer. No matter how many years havepassed, or how long I've lived in New York, I still have a pang ofdesire to be by the water every time the temperature starts rising.Rockaway Beach, Fort Tilden, and sitting by the lake in upstate New Yorkhave been incredible escapes - and nostalgic dips into my past.

3. Fresh Flowers

Inheritinga friends CSA share while they're away has meant an influx of fresh,local flowers in my home - vivid yellows and purples and gorgeousscents. I've also potted a hydrangea plant into one of my vases,nurtured an orchid for several months, and had my yearly love affairwith peonies. It's true that flowers make a home.


4. Cooking with Fresh, Summery Ingredients 

Last week a group of friends and I got together to make fresh summer rolls with rice paperand all the veggies you could possibly think of! It was such a fun,easy thing for us to do together - all the while making a super healthy(and gluten free, and vegan) dinner.

5. Rodin Olio Lusso Lip Balm

I'ma definite sucker for any and all lip product; there are few things Ihate more than chapped lips! The pricey but always trustworthy Fresh Sugar Lip Balmis my standby, but I've had flirtations with other luxe products. Mylips get a lot of action (from talking all day, of course), so I don'tmind splurging on a new product every once in a while. I couldn't resistthe sweet, modern packaging of Rodin's lip balm, though I still haven't come around to trying their other cult-status (and prohibitively expensive) range of products.

6. Statement Earrings
Withmy hair being up a lot more during the summer (usually in a messy topknot), I'm taking advantage of my often under-utilized ear lobes. Aflashy earrings makes a big splash, and it doesn't need to cost much,either. Some of my favorite shiny earpieces have come from thrift storesand estate sales or my mothers jewelry box - all treasures from thepast with a life of their own long preceding mine. 
7. Weekend Escapes
Oneof my absolute favorite things which I've really learned to cherish istime spent outside of NYC. I realize now that it is pretty crucial to mysanity; I love NYC with my whole heart, but at times the city can besuffocating. Recently I've been taking trips outside of the city - to Upstate New York, to Boston, even to the very most upper tip of Manhattan, an isolated part of the city that feels very much outside it. Of course, the best part about leaving NYC? Coming back to it. That skyline takes my breath away every single time.
8. All Pink Everything

Nothingnew here, but what on earth is it about bursts of pink that inevitablyreel me in every, single, time?! I spend a lot of time lugging around myvery heavy camera, so adding a strap that is feminine, beautiful, andserves its utilitarian purpose is a major upgrade from the standardissue nylon Canon strap I've had hanging around my neck for years. ThisChanel-inspired number is made by Sarah Frances Kuhn, an accessories editor at Teen Vogue (and a neighbor, it seems).

9. Moonrise Kingdom (and Nitehawk Cinema, again)

Oh,I love love. I really, really do. My history of relationships and loveis far from perfect (though I'm currently super, super smitten), butthere are few things that make me as giddy as seeing other people beingsweet on each other. Yes, even when they're fictional characters. Andeven when they're tweens. And especially if they're characters renderedby Wes Anderson.

10. High Art & High Fashion
Yayoi Kusama's collaboration with Louis Vuitton has brought me a lot of joyrecently. With my office being on 57th Street, I get a lot of timepassing by the absolutely stunning windows. They're such a joy.If you're near a Louis Vuitton store, it's worth the trip just for thevisuals. Kusama is such an incredible artist, and it's so exciting tosee how Marc Jacobs interpreted her work in conjunction with LV'smonograms and textiles.

Sweetness, I Was Only Joking


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!