11:11, Make a Wish

So, the title of the post has little to do with what's to follow, but being that I am one of those people who almost always glances at the clock as it hits 11:11, it was obvious to acknowledge that compulsion on this day - 11.11.11. I'm not generally superstitious, and I certainly don't pray, but my 11:11 wishes have become one of my daily rituals, reminding me to take a minute twice each day to think about the things I want, what my goals are, what changes I want to happen in my life; it's almost like a condensed form of meditation that actually works with my overwhelmingly busy, chaotic lifestyle. I wish for health and happiness and success and for those around me to find the same, and occasionally, I might make a selfish wish for a pair of shoes. Hey, with seven-hundred-thirty wishing opportunities a year, there are bound to be a few selfish and materialistic wishes thrown in...

In other news, some recent acquisitions that I'm particularly excited about!

I've been on the hunt for the perfect red bag for a while now, and finally decided on this classic approach from Marc Jacobs. I'm in love with it, and the slightly smaller size than my typical handbags has forced me to purge a lot of contents from my daily haul; my shoulder blades are overwhelmingly grateful.

I have a confession: I can pretty much NEVER say no to a good red lipstick. It's possible that red lipstick is my personal kryptonite. I'm pretty defenseless against it. From the Glitter & Ice MAC holiday collection, I picked up these two: Such Flare and What Joy - a true blue/red and a deep burgundy red.

In love with my new "Mimosa" knee-high boots from Duo!! They're basically perfect.... And shockingly comfortable/walkable for the heel height.

Another things I'm defenseless against? A slightly sheer button down shirt. I definitely love my polka dots, but when it comes to classic patterns, houndstooth is a close second! This one is from Topshop, and I LOVE the volume of the sleeves.

More reading material from some of my favorite writers - Joan Didion and Haruki Murakami. Of course, their newest releases are also en route to me! Have you read their books?? Kafka on the Shore and The Year of Magical Thinking were both pretty life changing, for me.


Gift Guide: Party Girl!


Gift Guide: Jetsetter!