A Brooklyn Weekend

This weekend I somehow managed to contain myself to stick to (mostly) Brooklyn, with a short detour downtown to the Lower East Side and Chinatown in Manhattan. I adventured out to Coney Island and got burnt to a crisp (turns out, when you're as pale as I am, no matter how much you put on - SPF 20 just won't cut it) on the beach while sipping on coconut water and jumping into waves.

A freezing cold train car inspired a spontaneous trip into Brooklyn Heights, where we wandered the historic streets and their beautiful brownstones and watched the sunset on the east river.

And finally, last night, after being at the MTV TJ finale in support of my friend Gabi, where she won the title of MTV's first ever TJ, we ventured a few blocks from the venue to Junior's Diner, the home of the best, most legit New York Cheesecake. It was decadent. A few bites was more than enough.

I love living in Brooklyn. Its neighborhoods are so diverse and have so much history and character. If you've never been, what are your perceptions of Brooklyn? I love talking to people abroad about their ideas about New York. It seems like international media has hyped Brooklyn to be one of the best parts of New York City, and they're right.


Chanel | 31 Rue Cambon Magazine


Midweek Inspiration: Tierney Gearon, "Explosure"