cheap monday on a thursday

First of all, i want to say a big thank you and hello to all my new followers/subscribers, who have followed me over here from Vogue Italia and/or my Q&A with Nik at Mezzo Fashionisto! Hugs & kisses to you.

Cheap Monday "Baglady" dress via ConventNYC, Marc Jacobs Collection Heels (old!!),
Cheap Monday Safety Pin Necklace via Alex & Chloe.

I know summer is just around the corner, but it's been SO cold in New York City the last week that I'm holding onto my all-black wardrobe for just a little bit longer.

I'm headed to my hometown of Los Angeles on Sunday, and next Wednesday I'm off to Japan for 10 days! I'll be staying in Tokyo and Kyoto. If you have any recommendations, please, please pass them along. I've been so busy lately that I've hardly had any time to do any of the research I usually do in anticipation of a big trip!


Bottega Louie


new york summer