Eleven Objects {Designers to Watch}

File this under: People & Things That I'm Obsessed With!

I confess that my first interactions with (and introductions to) Eleven Objects were after rumblings on twitter. There was a frenzy over their expertly crafted, brilliant detachable collars - and clever take on "collar sleeves" - which Elizabeth modeled and I lusted after from afar. It didn't hurt that the 140-character banter from @ElevenObjects was witty and insightful! I guess I'm truly a 21st-Century fashion girl, after all?When my friend Laia told me she was styling the debut womenswear collection from the design duo, I was so super excited to take my relationship with Eleven Objects to the next level (#chictothenextlev). You could say it was a brilliant first date, with a follow-up second date at their studio in Tribeca!

Check out the full collection here; (and yes, you can order one of their must-have collars on the site, as well!)


In My Purse {Early Spring}


I See Brooklyn, I See France...