experimenting with the diana f+ lens

i love toy cameras and playing with different setting and exposures and remembering not to take snapshots so seriously. when i found out that lomo made an SLR adaptor for the diana f+ lens (thanks to a tip from the amazing morgan), i ran to the lomography store on 8th street to pick one up. i played with it right away, then, but it stayed tucked away in a nook of my bookshelf for months after.

last night, in a bout of highly unwanted insomnia, i got up to try my hand again at using the f+ lens on my canon.

now, i know part of the appeal of the diana cameras is the soft-focus and the dream-like haziness, and i've had great luck with the physical diana cameras, but what exactly am i doing wrong here? i think i'd be much more successful taking pictures with my normal canon lenses and playing with after effects in photoshop!


lim & lipstick.


two art directors + one photographer