{GIVEAWAY} Celebrating Self Love with Curvy Couture

This text is longer than many on my blog, but trust me, once you get through it- there's something big in it for you!

In the midst of fashion week, I'm reminded how much self-love is a journey and that not every day has the same circumstances that allow you to feel as confident as you did the day before. It's a process that begins internally and has to be renegotiated constantly as you face changes in your life, your body, and your environment. Every fashion week, despite knowing that I do belong at shows as a contributing editor at Marie Claire and as a person who maintains great relationships with publicists and designers, and am validated by invitations and front row seat assignments (not to every show, of course, but it happens enough now that I no longer automatically assume it's a mistake like I used to), I still question whether or not I deserve to be in that environment. Of course, the logical, thinking side of my brain knows that's not true, but it's hard not to question things when PR interns snub you because they don't know who you are or what relationship you have with their boss, and while recognizing that there are so few people who look like you in these spaces. (The latter, rightfully, is a testament to why I need to keep going and being visible, as well as why I'm always so grateful for the opportunity to be there.)

So, with all the craziness (and also lots of fun, and reunion-happening with my friends across publications, and the immense privilege of getting to go to shows and celebrate the hard work of my friends and scope out next seasons collections) that is fashion week, and on the heels of Valentine's Day, which I cannot believe is today, I'm recommitting myself to prioritizing me and my sense of self above all. I'm reminding myself to do the things that make me feel good each day, from being active and walking through the city instead of cabbing it, to eating all the fresh veggies and sipping on green tea, and taking breaks to catch up with my friends, and of course, reveling in coming home to my beautiful soon-to-be-wife and our fur babies.

In celebration of this recommitment and renewal of mine (and everyone's, because we could all use a recharge), journey towards self-love, I've partnered with lingerie brand Curvy Couture to celebrate you with an incredible giveaway! I was first introduced to Dora Lau, Curvy Couture's founder and designer, just about two years ago after she launched her collection following a long term, 20+ year career as an innovator in the full-figured lingerie market and an award-winning designer. Dora is the real deal - with a resume that boasts everyone from the late Oscar de la Renta to Agent Provocateur. At the time, I was immediately captivated by her bubbly personality, enthusiasm, and commitment to making beautiful pieces that fit perfectly. When Curvy Couture launched, however, my bust size (an overwhelming-to-me 38H) was not part of the initial collection, but as their business has grown the size range has, as well, now offering 36C-44H.

Lingerie has been a huge passion of mine for the last few years, after a lifetime of struggling to find pieces that looked AND felt good, and finally finding that you don't have to sacrifice one for the other. It feels like a huge coup to be able to add another brand and designer to my list of people who satisfy my needs for fit and aesthetic, and Curvy Couture is certainly that - with fantastic colors, luxe embroideries, a great price point, and all-day comfort. And, I want to pass along the experience to one of my readers! Curvy Couture and I are hosting a giveaway for two full sets from their collection (and there are lots of great pieces to choose from!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to Curvy Couture for sponsoring this contest. 

All opinions and content are my own.

{STYLE} Spring Renewal


{INTERIORS} Making It Colorful