I, I, I, Went to Tokyo


printed blazer: h&m in tokyo. dress: akiko via bergdorf goodman. scarf: borrowed from my sister.

See that Fanta Melon Soda? I have been craving this ever since I got back to NYC. The only place I've found it is eBay, where the going rate is $7 for a 500mL bottle! Insane!


At first, I was sad to see how gloomy, overcast, and rainy the forecast was during my time in Japan. But, if you let yourself, you can see a totally different kind of beauty in the rain.


Throughout Nara Park, you can buy "deer cookies," a short stack runs at about ¥150. The deer have very sensitive noses so as long as you're holding the cookies, they won't leave you!

leather jacket: topshop, floral top: h&m in tokyo, pencil skirt: american apparel

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conveyor belt sushi in omotesando hills, amongst a sea of some of the most beautifully designed stores (comme des garcons to prada to tsumori chisato) i have ever seen. japanese street fashion in shibuya coupled with outrageous street food to match. rainy, overcast days and a rainbow of umbrellas. immaculate, lush gardens. neverending greenery. shinto shrines and buddhist temples. women in kimonos tucked away in alleys. rows of lanterns. deer, shinto "messengers to god" bowing before your feet. bright green melon fanta. the antiquity of nara. the immense respect for tradition in kyoto. hidden treasures tucked behind every corner.

more photos available here.


this week.


Mori Art Museum