"I Literally Have No Life Until After Fashion Week"

Ah, it's that time of year yet again... It's still hard to believe that nearly eight years since attending my first New York Fashion Week show as a freshman at Parsons, I'm now attending as a legitimate fashion writer and player in the industry. It's hard not to have a pinch-yourself moment when you're rubbing elbows (or at least, admiring the back of the heads) of your idols. I still get nervous when applying for press credentials that the people behind Mercedes Benz Fashion Week may deny me (I imagine it to be somewhat like a University Admissions Committee, but with chicer clothes), or that I may not get a single invitation when sending out requests. It's impossible not to be enormously grateful everytime my anxieties are quelled!

My fashion week survival kit from several season ago has continued to refine itself; I now travel equipped with an entire technological arsenal (DSLR? Check. iPad? Check. Point and Shoot? Check. iPhone? Check. You'd think I was reporting from the frontlines of war -- and in a way, it is.) I've done a handful of pre-show studio visits, and outfitted my home with things like flowers that brighten up my space while I'm working on late-night deadlines. Now comes the excitement and enthusiasm of the shows!!

For those of you following NYFW from home, be sure to follow me on twitter and Instagram for up-to-the-minute updates. I'll also be speaking at IFB Con today on a panel called "Make Your Blog Irresistible" alongside Grace Atwood from Baublebar, Erica Domesek of PS I Made This, Connie Wang of Refinery29, Wendy Nguyen of Wendy's Lookbook,  and Andy Torres of Style Scrapbook. Even if you're not in NY, you can catch the streaming broadcast of the conference here!

What shows and collections are you most looking forward to seeing??


Kaelen | New York Fashion Week, FW12


Gift Guide: St. Valentine, Cupid, and Nicolette Walk into a Bar....