i love this picture from the sartorialist so much.

it almost has a vintage feel, and i obviously am in limbo trying to decide what time period i should be in. last night i watched une femme est une femme. at face value it was cute and sweet, but if i watched it again i would probably get a little nauseous over the gender stereotypes - but i'm sure that's what godard intended, or as he said - I'm not sure if it's a comedy or a tragedy. All the female actors in his movies are non-native french speakers. Aka, i should stop using his films as a resource for learning a language where pronunciation is crucial. in any case, i loved the silly scenes. when angela and alfred make the same poses imitating one another, and especially the scene where angela and emile get into a "fight" and stop speaking, and then pull books off of their shelves and point to words in titles to communicate to one another. ahhh.


went to chicago.


on (and south of) houston street.