{INSIDE THE STUDIO} Anna Sheffield

I've been following Anna Sheffield's work closely since my introduction to her when she first launched her line of commitment jewelry several years ago. Her launch party was in a gorgeous, open penthouse at The Standard, overlooking what felt like all of New York City (or at least the West Side). There was champagne and rose petals and chocolates and the chicest guests I could have imagined. Truthfully, at the time, I didn't feel like I was meant to be there, but I had developed a close relationship with one of her publicists, and am so thankful that I somehow got added to the guest list. At this point, I am fully obsessed with her work - developing my own personal collection of Bing Bang baubles and a wishlist of fine jewelry pieces from her namesake line, (a major hint-hint, nudge-nudge to Ali). Anna's aesthetic is undeniably gorgeous, but has a raw, sculptural quality that sets her art apart in the jewelry market. It's a point of view that has been imitated by others, but is so, unquestionably Anna - and I think having that kind of visual trademark is what all creatives aspire to. Continue...
Because I have a habit of tracking down the people I admire in this industry and making them share their secrets (okay, slight hyperbole), a series of run-ins and encounters with Anna lead to exactly that. I asked if I could come into her studio and share her craft, and was thrilled when she obliged. I feel so lucky to be in a world where I can seek inspiration in such a tangible way, but as the design nerd that I am, few things make more excited than seeing the step-by-step process of how things are made - from idea to iteration.

With over a dozen years under her belt as a jewelry designer, Anna has not only created her own lines (Anna Sheffield, Bing Bang, and Bing Bang Black Label) but also worked with designers like Marc Jacobs, Phillip Lim, created a diffusion line with Target, and most recently, a collaboration with Curtis Kulig - where she created pendants out of his now-iconic "Love Me" tag with an embedded diamond. How cool is that? 

I'm excited to introduce you to the jewel and sculpture wünderkind, herself. If she doesn't win your heart with her sweet charm and ridiculous talent, I seriously question your entire being. 


{INTERIORS} From House to Home


{EVENT} Bloomingdale's Curvy Girl Shopping Mecca!