Travel Essentials for Life On The Go

If there's one thing I've learned in this year-and-a-half of bouncing back and forth between coasts (though, honestly, I've learned many things and most are far more existential than I will remotely begin to touch upon in this blog post), it's what things I've come to rely on as "essentials" in my life as far as fashion and beauty items are concerned. I've had to completely rework my skincare routine (all that time in airplanes really does a number on my skin), and retool the parts of my wardrobe that act as real workhorses (what others may call "basics" or "foundation pieces" that have long been absent from my closets).So much in my life has changed since Ali and I decided to make the move towards Los Angeles, but I did not anticipate that it would mean traveling almost every week or that the ripple effect on my personal style would be so visible. I still love my crazy, quirky statement pieces (especially when it comes to shoes and bags), but being on-the-move constantly has forced me to reimagine layering and remixing key pieces in creative ways (especially when work or unexpected life events take me to a new city, spontaneously, for 36-hours with a full itinerary of day-to-night events). Bloglovin' asked me to curate a shop with some of my favorite things, and this seemed like an area of my life which I could extend the most wisdom.Travel skincare? I never knew how much I needed Kate Somerville's Goat Milk line - but it has become absolutely essential for deep moisture and stripping away makeup and dirt my pores have collected throughout the day, (and, psst, if this is an area of interest to you: I'm working on a full post dedicated to skincare). Wardrobe? I rely on mixing high-and-low, like my ever-so-trusty, wear-it-whenever-the-weather-allows-me leather motorcycle jacket, and a bevy of cute dresses that can be dressed up or down with a layered turtleneck or a heel swap. Savvy boots? Made. For. Walking. And I wish someone told me sooner that my favorite, suede, over-the-knee boots could be rolled down into super easy to pack nuggets, cause wow that moment was a total game-changer.  Plus there's more. I actually wrote out why I love every item I included and then I was worried that it would be boring, but really: ask me. They're all important to me and all have an actual place in my wardrobe.Check out my bloglovin curated shop here!

Photos by Lydia Hudgens 

Faux Fur Season


Fall Feelings