Parlez-Vous Français? The French Therapy [GIVEAWAY]

If you've been following this blog for any significant amount of time, I don't need to tell you that I'm a Francophile, because I've probably already talked your ear off about my love for the streets of Paris and my ceaseless appetite for French macarons, or my desire to sit outside of a sidewalk bistro, sipping on a cafe au lait while reading Camus or Sartre, or to walk through the haunting halls of the Louvre or the even more literally haunting paths at Pere Lachaise... This is, of course, without touching my love for French designers and French craftsmanship and French attention-to-detail.

When I found out that new online shop The French Therapy launched, offering a handful of the finest emerging contemporary designers from France - including Patricia Blanchet (the designer behind my famed glitter oxfords) and Suzie Winkle (dresses, glorious dresses!) and D.Dikate, the masterminds behind the beautiful clutch below, I was overjoyed! It's hard to find some of these designers stateside, so having them available just a click-away is a very welcomed addition to my list of online shopping destinations.

It is with great pleasure that I'm offering my readers the chance to win the pictured D.Dikate Cherry Red Bow Clutch, mini Moleskine notebook (both courtesy of The French Therapy), as well as a (brand new) Criterion Collection copy of one of my favorite films by Jean Luc Godard, Masculin Feminin (courtesy of me). The Cherry Red Bow Clutch is the softest suede I've ever touched in my life, and has an interior zipped pocket and is lined with an adorable birdy Liberty print. All three items will be shipped directly to the winner, anywhere in the world.


1.) Comment on this blog post with your name, e-mail address, and tell me what makes you a Francophile by sharing your favorite French things - from literature, to film, to art, to fashion.
2.) Like The French Therapy & Nicolette Mason on Facebook.
3.) Follow this blog here.
4.) Visit The French Therapy online and let your heart go pitter-patter!

The giveaway will run until May 18th, after which I'll select a winner at random using the random number generator.
Note: The duration of the giveaway has been extended as Blogger was down for 2 days.

Bonne chance, mes amis!


I wish you would've put yourself in my suitcase


Day Dreams and Wanderlust