Pearls the Fallon Way, + GIVEAWAY

Long Sleeve Black Tee - Uniqlo, Pink Tutu - ASOS, Black Tights - HUE, Spectator Heels - Chanel
Pearl Necklace - Fallon (courtesy of Shop The Far Out)


The lovely people at Shop The Far Out were generous enough to gift me with this gorgeous Fallon necklace from their new online store! I absolutely love it, along with almost everything from Fallon's line, but I'm especially enamored by how something so classically feminine as a pearl necklace packs an edgy punch when paired with chains (albeit tied into a bow), and spiked points. They're so generous that they've decided to give the same necklace to one of you! Just a few simple rules to get out of the way, and the beautiful Fallon necklace could be arriving at your doorstep soon.

To enter contestants must:
1. Comment on this entry with your favorite piece on along with your valid email address.
2. Follow my blog (If you're not already, click here.)
3. Like Shop the Far Out on Facebook or follow them on twitter @ShopTheFarOut
4. To be eligible you must live in the United States (International readers, I promise to make it up to you!)

You have until December 20, 2010 to enter! The winner will be chosen at random using will send the necklace directly to the winner!

PS - Shop The Far Out has also set up an awesome discount code (25% off everything on their site!) with the code ImWithNicolette47. Happy shopping!


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