shiny shoes, chanel tattoos, and a list of ther things.


ten things to brighten my day:
1. spending time with my friends and family, (the number 1 most important thing in my life).
2. creating something (a photo, an essay, a piece of art) that i can be proud of.
3. art. in every incarnation.
4. live music - whether in a large venue or at a small bar.
5. finding the time to read one of my favorite magazines (lula, love) from cover-to-cover.
6. indulging in a french pastry (macarons, croissants).
7. receiving surprises in the mail; in an age of hyper-technology, there's something thrilling about seeing something (other than unsolicited catalogs and bills) in my mailbox.
8. baby animals.
9. on the material end: shiny things, pink things, things with bows/hearts/sparkles.
10. travel. experiencing the new, different, exciting. i love learning from different cultures through participation.


i knew you'd take all of my honey


sorry i can't hear you, i'm kind of busy