Snow day!

Since I sadly (luckily?) missed the last blizzard in NYC, I was more than happy (I know, most people are kicking the ground and pouting) to see snow in the forecast last night, and wake up to a light coating of white dust on rooftops, the street below, and on the bare branches of trees on my block. It also gave me an excuse to finally bust out my shearling lined boots, albeit only to take a short walk to the cafe down the street for breakfast. It's the perfect day for me to be curled up under several blankets, with a cup of tea, spending hours-on-end writing a (very academic) essay on fashion, aka, one of my favorite things to do - ever.

Top 5 Ways to Stay Warm And/Or Distract Yourself From the Cold (In No Particular Order):

1. A hot cup of tea (or hot cocoa, if that's your thing) and a special someone to curl up on the couch with. Pick up a book, a movie, or some good tunes (Billie Holiday, Cat Power, and Etta James go on the top of my list) and indulge in escapism.
2. Light candles or hang christmas lights around your room/home. I find that the soft light really warms up a space.
3. Enjoy a hot toddy (boiling water, scotch, a slice of lemon, cloves, and a cinnamon stick - and only if you're of age!)
4. Bundle up in those much loved, underused wooly sweaters you have that remind you of past winters. I know a lot of people give up on looking cute in the winter, but you can spend your time hibernating conjuring up the perfect layered outfit for when you finally decide to step outside.
5. Buy yourself flowers. Little bursts of color are the perfect pick-me-up when everything outdoors is relatively dead. Chrysanthemums, pansies, and roses are regionally available in the winter months, or check out this guide for more seasonal flowers.

How are you keeping warm this winter?

A Little More National Geographic: Bali

