Date Night

Being a newlywed is a lot of fun - and Ali and I are still reveling in our newly minted marriage, dropping the word "wife" every now and then (though it is admittedly taking a LOT of getting used to). But being young, career focused, and a newlywed does have its challenges - and like many couples, we sometimes struggle to find quality time to spend together. We both work a lot... a lot. Ali is in the final stages of her doctorate, working on her dissertation, a half-dozen research projects, and is literally always available to help friends in need, even if it means sacrificing her own personal time. As for me, I'm working on my Marie Claire column, designing a new dress collection with Addition Elle, working with the LA LGBT Center to implement a new program, and a handful more yet-to-be-shared projects that demand more time than there are hours in a day. Throw in a busy-but-exciting business travel schedule, two pets, and family into the mix - and the hours of free time to do whatever we please are dramatically few and far between.So, we've implemented a much needed date night into our weekly routine - or as often as our schedules allow. A dedicated time where it's just us: no family, no friends, absolutely no cell phones. Us, a new place to explore, an occasional cameo by Frankie. Last week, before I had to jump on a plane to New York, and Ali to New Orleans, we shared a date night with dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant in the heart of K-town in Los Angeles. I usually take charge when it comes to making plans, but I let Ali take the lead this time and she found an incredible spot, Soowon Galbi, and we laughed til we were in tears over BBQ, allllll the veggies, and soju. Now we're apart for another few days and I'm already planning out our next date night. It's so easy to get caught up in our lives - but I want to feel like newlyweds forever.

Photos by Sylvia G. 



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