{STYLE} Hers & Hers

Instagram has leaked any element of surprise that might be included in this post, but I'm still coming down from the emotional high of having Ali in Brooklyn this weekend. Yes, I already got to visit her once in New Orleans, but being in our home together was... EVERYTHING.
When my computer died in August and I was forced to say goodbye to what remained of my hardrive, I came to the painful realization that nearly all of the photos of Ali and I together were taken on my cellphone. I could come to terms with losing the ones that weren't backed up or uploaded to Facebook, but we decided to spend a little time in front of the camera together, and have some real photos that weren't just hashtag-selfies.  Continue...

Photos by Lydia Hudgens 

With the benefit of finally having full-body pictures of Ali & me together to reflect on, I've been thinking about the ways our relationships do (or do not) influence our style.
Getting dressed in the context of my relationship with Ali feels completely different than previous relationships, where I struggled to maintain some of my authenticity to myself without being influenced by my partner. With Ali, my flamboyance and love for sequins and high heels (even in spite of our height difference), is not just tolerated, but encouraged. I can wear all the flouncy skirts and leather and pink that I want and feel celebrated. It's really nice to be able to just be myself and express myself through fashion in any way that feels fit - bouts of materialism, femme drag, over-the-top-ness and all. It's just a very (very) small part of all the things I value in our relationship.

Of course, there's something to be said for the way I feel our styles complement each other, too! While we never do that weird, matchy-matchy couple thing (warning, previous link is a total, creepy k-hole), I always feel like we "go together" (like shamalama, kadinkididinki dong... yes i'm sleep deprived. Sorry.)

Ali on Nicolette's Style:
When I first met Nicolette I was completely taken aback at how effortlessly she could put an outfit together. Fashion isn't necessarily a 'priority' of mine (opposites attract, right?) but I found myself thinking long and hard about the magical gift she had. How does SOOO much pink not become TOO much pink? I came to the conclusion that she was most likely a fashion goddess/guru/wizard-lady. I quickly learned that she was actually a fashion writer and a fashion goddess/guru/wizard-lady. It's hard for me to question any part of her style because I think everything about her is fabulous, (and that might be my love goggles). Though, I do get a good chuckle when I think to myself "Yes, you look good in that ratty, old tee" only to realize it's Rodarte

PS: Do you love my boots or my sweater? You can get 25% off everything at SHOPBOP now with code "INTHEFAMILY25"



{STYLE} BaubleBar's "Nicolette Mason" Mystery Box


{TOP DRAWER} Bras & Blowouts with Panache Lingerie