In The Desert

I feel like I am always writing about how quickly time passes, how the days quickly turn into weeks and soon a month, and how each relatively small unit of time feels expansive because so much has happened. And yet, somehow, as I try to implement some kind of a more rigorous schedule in my life, the first few weeks of the year have flown by. Last year, after the new year, I headed out to Palm Springs with Brad, Christian, and Ali, and this year we decided to repeat the tradition and added Joshua Tree and our friend Anna to the mix, as well. After all that happened in 2016, it felt especially important to put a little bit of a pause on life to reflect, set intentions, and be together in a calm, relaxing, and familiar environment.Being with friends who have also felt so sensitive to everything happening in the world was important and therapeutic, and being with creative friends helped inspire me in this next chapter in our lives where art, expression, consciousness, and resistance are all the more important. It helped ground me in finding my purpose right now - and wanting more than ever to be unapologetically and unabashedly myself. I've made it no secret that this last year felt like an enormous transitional period, with monumental changes in my personal and professional life, and finally settling into living in Los Angeles, and having reminders of my capacity to create, inform, inspire, and use my energy for positive change couldn't have come at a better time. 

Platinum Blonde Self Expression with John Frieda Hair Care


Multi-Masking on the Go