{STYLE} Palm Tree Paradise

As I inch closer to yet another anniversary with NYC (11-years since I landed in the City That Never Sleeps for a season-long rendezvous, and 10-years since I started planting some roots), I still hold Los Angeles, my hometown, deep in my heart. I have a complex, love/hate relationship with LA, but it's the place I was raised, the city my family emigrated to when they left their respective homelands, their adoptive locale, and the page on my weather widget that I look at, enviably, whenever I need a reason to question why I moved to New York in the first place. The same way LA became home for my family, there's no question that New York has become my home - no matter how much this past winter left me kicking and screaming. Still, the colors, weather, and waving palm trees that are trademarks of the city continue to inspire my style sensibility - and the pink-and-green combination has always been a point of weakness for me! (I give full credit to a childhood of dreaming of the color palette from that hotel that shall not be named). Just a dozen days until I set foot onto those palm tree lined streets again...

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{STYLE} California Sunrise


{GIFT GUIDE} Mother's Day