{STYLE} Summer Forever

Labor day weekend has long symbolized the end of summer, with the start of school immediately after - and as a grown up the feeling has stayed pretty much the same but shifted from back-to-school to back-to-NYFW. Of course, the summer season lingers long into October, now - so while I'm lusting after All The Leather and layers-upon-layers, I'm erring on the side of seasonally appropriate practicality, instead. I wish I was one of those creatures who could magically wear leather pants, sweaters, and wool coats while traipsing between fashion shows and simultaneously not breaking out into a sweat, but it's 86-degrees and I'm somewhat of a realist.

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

After all, the convention of ditching white after labor day started long before the onset of global warming was fully realized. Light colors, whites, and pastels are definitely sticking around in my wardrobe, right now! 


{GETTING HITCHED} Runway Looks & Bridal Inspiration


{STYLE} Outdoor Weddings in Addition Elle