Trina Turk, Spring/Summer 2011

I was lucky enough to attend Trina Turk's first fashion week presentation today. The collection was inspired by Trina's experiences in California and a nostalgia for 1960's and 1970's Palm Springs. The lifestyle oriented collection includes everything from swimwear to loungewear to cocktail wear. Though it's not my typical aesthetic, I really loved how the entire collection was presented. The vignettes created a very streamlined and focused narrative, one which most people long for; relaxation, sun, fun, and lust.

The last of the series was my favorite, a young couple in a bedroom. I almost felt like I shoudln't be watching, but it was the most captivating! The two models created a very authentic sense of intimacy and desire, something that translated well to the clothing.

Suddenly, I find myself wanting to be transported back to Southern California... Wasn't I just there? (Oh and P.S. - designers, marketers, etc., take note: lifestyle branding works).

Photos taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 50 mm lens.

Christian Siriano, SS11, Featuring Brad Walsh Jewelry


Take a Walk on the Highline