Winter Treasures

Peppermint hot chocolate. Big, (faux) furry coats. Walking through the streets of NYC and holding hands inside one of our pockets. Opaque black stockings. Flickering, glittering lights. Seeing my breath in the cold air. Flannel shirts; flannel sheets. Cozy socks. Burrowing my head into a voluminous scarf. Chanukah candles and dripping wax down a beautiful silver menorah. Hopping in and out of stores to escape the bitter cold. Gift giving. Wearing a million layers. Elaborate dinners at one of my favorite NYC spots (Del Posto, you're so incredible). How the streets seem completely vacant after dark. Curling up with loved ones and best friends.

Lafayette Street at Dusk

Champagne at the Soho Grand; A view from the 10th floor.
Sipping on a hot chocolate; Eggs florentine in Soho.

Washington Square Arch with a Christmas tree; Empire State Building

Fur coats in Soho

Leather Jacket - Topshop, Sweater - Spring and Clifton, Leatherette Panel Leggings - H&M,
Scarf - Snoozer Loser, Heels - Marc Jacobs Collection, Sequin Bag - Miu Miu

Yes, the Patron Saint of Miu Miu (aka my parents) answered my Hanukkah dreams!


Black Swan


Apple Latkes: A New Hanukkah Tradition