{BEAUTY} Summer Hair Care

Between the heat, humidity, ocean mist, and extra sun exposure throughout the summer months - my hair usually looks (and feels) like a mess, especially since I started color treating and becoming a slave to Arrojo's senior haircolorist, Flores. Frizz? I've got it. Dried ends? That too. Ugh. They're such tiny problems to have in the grand scheme of life and the world - but feeling more put together can change a person's entire day. In the time that I've invested into being a redhead, I've learned a trick or two to giving my locks the moisture they need - even in high summer. Continue...!

1. Styling.

In the winter, I'm a full-service hair styling machine - wielding a blowdryer in one hand, and juggling a flatiron and a curling iron in the other. In the summer months, I prefer to let my hair air-dry - but this comes with the caveat of being extra, super frizzy. GHD recently sent me a great ceramic-plated flat iron that goes double duty by straightening and curling in one-fell-swoop. Bonus points for being both ceramic-plated (way, way healthier on your tresses) and possessing universal voltage (essential for the jetsetter in me). At last, I've also realized the importance of a really good brush. I haven't yet made the commitment of upgrading to the forever-on-the-wishlist Mason-Pearson brush, though, (and I should, considering it's my namesake, right?)

2. Dealing with Frizz
This is largely genetic, but it took me until I was 26-years-old to discover that hairspray had benefits besides setting Peggy-Bundy style bouffants into bonafide sculptures. Indeed, spraying some of my favorite Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray (I use strong hold) onto my tresses throughout the hairstyling process, ensures that my coif can go frizz-free from morning to night. Why did I not think of this sooner?! PS, this is a hairspray that is definitely soft to the touch, and not ever, ever crunchy. Phew.

3. Washing, Rinsing, and More Product "Essentials"
I've tried a truckload of different shampoos and conditioners, and every time a tiny bottle of something new ends up in one of my favorite samples boxes, I cheat on my favorite and take a gamble on that, too. Despite my infidelity in the shampoo department, I've developed a ridiculous love and admiration for the more-expensive-than-I-care-to-admit jumbo bottles of Kevin Murphy's Angel Wash and Angel Rinse. Hailing from Australia, they're difficult to come by in the states, so I've taken to ordering the massive supply bottles through Amazon. After a lot of dabbling and experimentation, this has won my heart for being both super soft on color treated hair (and helping my color last longer than its typical 6-week shelf-life), are both paraben and sulfate free, and have the most incredible candy scents ever.
As soon as I get out of the shower, I reach for Moroccanoil (the real deal argan oil, though I've tried many substitutes - of which my favorite cheaper version is from Organix). Moroccanoil is incredibly hydrating, heals my split ends, improves my hairs elasticity, adds mega shine without grease, and cuts drying time (when I blow dry) in about half.
When I opt to skip all styling tools and go (almost) au naturale, I grab a bottle of Bumble & Bumble's Surf Spray, (I also love the Tigi Catwalk version that has a killer fragrance and is about half the price for the quantity), to help promote a nice, natural wave in my hair.
Finally, when I know I'm going to be outside a lot, I finish with a spritz of an SPF spray. I picked up Furterer Protective Summer Spray from a pharmacy while I was in France, and it has been awesome. 

4. Et voila, Almost Un-Problematic Hair
I still don't have the perfect hair that I dream about, nor the means to pop into The DryBar every couple of days to look effortlessly put together every day, but my hair is certainly looking better and in much better shape than it has in a couple of years. I'm not an expert yet, but I hope to master the art of hairstyling sooner rather than later - one mistake (or triumph!) at a time.

Photos by Lydia Hudgens.
Dress worn in this post is Clements Ribeiro SWAN for Evans.
GHD Hair Styler was gifted for consideration.


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