Bienvenidos a Miami

A couple of months back, in the dead of winter, I went on a little weekend getaway to Miami. I stayed in South Beach and soaked up the sun, the smell of the ocean, the colorful landscape. Dreamed that my expansive room at The W was, in some alternate universe, my warm-weather pied-a-terr, (I mean, look at it. How could I not start day dreaming?) Though my visit was brief (a mere 48-hours), I found myself falling in love with the smell of the ocean, the colorful landscape, and perhaps most of all - THE WEBSTER (swoon, crush, lust, etc.) Oh, just kidding. I went south to Miami to rendezvous with one of my favorite PR gals from Evans and we caught-up on our trans-atlantic friendship on top of swanky rooftop bars overlooking the beach and while soaking up some of the sun. And boy, did I ever need a dose of sun.

One of the highlights of my trip, however, was meeting Philomena Kwao -  a devastatingly beautiful, wickedly smart London-based graduate student who, on a whim, decided to enter a modeling competition - only to find herself in a major contract and sent off to Miami to shoot her very first story, ever, for Cosmopolitan.

Follow the jump for a low-key shoot I did with Philomena, and a special little Q&A I got to do with her! She's an amazing woman!!

Continue reading... How did your entry into the model search come about?
I've always wanted to be a model, but finding my right area and learningto accept myself as I am took a long time. I was actually about to embarkon an agency search when two of my closest friends sent me a link to theStyle369 competition via Facebook. After a lot of persuasion, I eventuallyentered; not being sure about the outcome but with the mindset that I hadnothing to loose. I entered in early October and I forgot about it untilI received an email in November saying I had made the finalists day! Iwas elated and I guess the rest of the story is taking place now.

What are you looking to gain out of your relationship with Style369and Evans?
I hope to use this opportunity to become the first black British plus sizesupermodel, thereby using this as a platform by which I can hopefully empowergirls and young women like myself. Evans and Style369 have some of themost amazing campaigns, using the supermodels of the plus size world. Ihope to learn from them and use their invaluable knowledge and experienceto shape my own successful modelling career.

What role do you want to play for young girls/women?

I want to be a figure-head for young girls today who sometimes may becomedisillusioned by 'the glamorous lifestyle'. I want to show them that youcan really do it all if you try; that is to pursue your dreams, whateverthey maybe and get an education. Your education doesn’t have to suffer!I also want to help spread the message that there is beauty in everything:every shape, colour, size, and height … whatever. We are all beautiful.

What is your relationship with your body like? How do you celebrateyour curviness?
My relationship with my body has been a turbulent roller-coaster ride. Tosay I've always been happy with my body would be a lie. But over the years,with the support of my parents, my family and my friends (I have incrediblefriends, I don’t even call them friends anymore they are my sisters andbrothers!), I have learnt to feel beautiful in the body I have. I alsohave stopped obsessing over trying to fit into a particular size. I justtry to keep healthy and within a healthy weight range for my height, regardlessof whether that’s an 8 or an 16. I celebrate my curviness by frequentlywearing body-con style dresses that exaggerate and enhance my shape.

Where does your confidence and sense of self come from?

My sense of self is firmly based in my faith, however I wouldn't say Iam particularly religious. I feel there is a difference between the two.I also feel that I am a melting pot of all the strong woman in my family,and I especially look up to my mum and my grandma as inspiration. And confidence?,I gained confidence the day I realised that I really am my own person andonly the opinions of those that love me count and that comes from havinga strong network of people around me who are constantly there to supportme and remind me that at the end of the day I should always be myself,because you can’t please everyone.

What are the things you love to look for when you shop? What are yourstruggles or frustrations with looking for clothes?
I love staples and current trends inspire me. I tend to interpret themin my own way as I feel that style is an expression of one’s individuality.I also buy investment pieces that I can mix and match. Such things aretimeless and it actually saves me a lot of money. I like to look for goodjeans, beautiful day dresses and blazers. I dress very simply most of thetime, leggings and tunic/ dress; sometimes with a splash of African print.I tend not to wear jewellery; I guess I just never really made it habitualso now I never remember to put it on. However when I go out I like brightcolours, statement pieces: Loud outfits that are still beautiful and classy.

My main frustration with clothes is that I have a large difference in mytop half to my bottom half, I also find I get a gap with my jeans and regulartrousers are often short.

How do you incorporate your own heritage and love for Ghanaian cultureand prints into your contemporary style? I absolutely adore West African print, the vivid colours especially attractme. I have a number of blazers, tops dresses and skirts made out of variousclothes. I used to make clothes when I was younger and now some of my favouritedesigners include Christie Brown and Sika Designs. I also take a lot ofinspiration from the designers behind the seasonal Vlisco campaigns. Additionally,at family functions (funerals, birthdays, weddings etc) I tend to embracemy heritage by wearing differing variations of the Kaba and Slit, Ghana’straditional dress.

Now that you've been signed with a modelling agency, do you think youcareer will take a different path? Will you continue to pursue your education?
Not at all; the end career goal is essentially the same; be instrumentalin improving health equity across the world. I hope to use modelling asa platform by which to do that. Currently I am studying for an MSc in internationalHealth Management, having graduated with an economics degree last year.I feel blessed because this opportunity couldn’t have come at a bettertime. My MSc is a year in duration, and I am already half way through sothe doubled workload will only be for a little while longer. Models1 havealso been very supportive in recognising the importance of finishing myeducation to the best of my ability.

What was it like to shoot with the Cosmopolitan team? Have you ever been partof a large photoshoot before?
I have never been a part of a large photoshoot before and shooting withthe Cosmo team was nothing short of incredible. I felt so special and theCosmo team were amazing! Shelly, Lisa, Clare and Nicola from Acardia wereall very supportive and made me feel extremely confident and relaxed. Thephotography and production team were also very friendly. Regardless ofthe crazy weather (manically switching between rain and wind and extremesunshine), and the extremely early call time (5.30 am) everyone was relativelycalm and I had an enormous amount of fun. I feel extremely fortunate thatmy first major shoot was with such wonderful people.

Any tips for women who want to break into modelling? How did you preparefor the big shoot.
Believe it or not I actually studied to prepare for the shoot. This beingmy big opportunity I didn’t want to spoil it. As soon as I found out aboutthe shoot, I searched the internet, studying the pictures of well knownmodels such as Crystal Renn, Tara Lynn, Candice Huffine, Robyn Lawley leanand Marquita Pring; watching the way they posed, moved and how they wereconfident and comfortable with their bodies. I also had major prep talksand words of encouragement from Joe at Models1, my parents and sistersand my best friends.

Breaking into modelling can be extremely difficult. This competition hasgiven me a huge boost and I appreciate how long others work to be giventhe opportunity I have been given. My advice would be to never give up,keep on trying! Also, don’t take anything personally, criticism is notdirected at you personally so don’t take it to heart, and finally workhard and always be optimistic. 


A Short Story


Spring Fever.