{DIY} Jeweled Clutch

I admit that I'm not much of a crafter. My crafting abilities peaked when I was in pre-school and made necklaces out of macaroni with farfalle accent pieces, (naturally, I've always had an affinity for bows). While I admire DIY-ers like Grace and Jenni, I leave the art of the craft to them and Martha Stewart, (admittedly, Martha could also learn a thing or two from me about taking food photos). And then it hit me that there are some projects (if I can even rightfully call it that), that are soooo easy that even a Hot Glue Gun Novice like me can excel at them. I mean, I can break things, right? And I can glue things? That is pretty idiot proof, and it turns out it had a pretty high yield of glitz - so much so that it may have quelled my Mawi clutch obsessions for now, (a girl can dream).

In my rampant eBay clicking, I learned that the land of the buy-it-now is literally filled with fun and (truly) inexpensive jewelry. I was finding Pinterest-worthy lovelies at $3 for a pair of earrings, $8 for a necklace - all with the highly coveted bonus of including free shipping.

Hot Glue Gun
Lucite Clutch (I found mine here)
Gems of Your Choosing (I found mine here)
Scissor (optional)

1. Pick your baubles.
2. Break them apart.
3. Glue that ish.

Does this even count as a craft? Damn, I don't know - but I was finding so much cool stuff while I was creating my eBay Collections (an awesome new platform that allows you to curate your finds thematically) that I felt truly inspired by the ease and low cost of making a unique, shimmery evening bag that I could carry through the holiday season. My finished product ended up costing less than $20, including the purchase of the glue-gun, which is a major savings compared to the designer pieces that inspired me.

I sourced from a couple of my collections to find inspiration for this fun 15-minute activity: "I See Through You," filled with all things sheer and lucite and clear, and "Jeweled Life," which catalogs my jewelry finds - from the low (like the pieces used for my clutch), to the highest of the high - like antique necklaces and Dannijo-covetables. And then, of course, Instagram-addict that I am, I found some awesome tech accessories that I added to my "Instagram Worthy" collection to help me document the process.

Have you put together any eBay Collections yet?? (I want to see them!) eBay is currently hosting a promotion on their new platform, where you could win up to $1,000 a week, or a $10,000 grand prize. Find all the details here.

My eBayCollections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay. All opinions are my own. 


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