Fall Conquests... Sleepy Hollow, Central Park, and Cat Sweaters

While I'm hunkered down now and in full "Hurricane Sandy" mode (with an unlimited supply of quinoa, sparkling water, and popcorn to boot), this weekend was everything I had hoped for when I first started penning my wishlist of things-to-do this season. With my significant other and Miss B in tow, I headed out to Sleepy Hollow, and reveled in all the cheesy, cliche, novelty fun of Halloween in a haunted town. Continue...

Outfit: Outfit: Jacket: ASOS Curve, Sweater: Opening Ceremony, Skirt: ASOS Curve, Jewelry: J. Crew & Chanel, Sunglasses: House of Harlow, Booties: Evans, 
Beauty:Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo It's kind of been a dream of mine, for as long as I've been in New York, to visit Sleepy Hollow - the home of the Legend of the Headless Horseman and of Washington Irving, and, some say - the birthplace of American Literature, (of this, I am skeptical - but I'm open to being convinced).  In a lot of ways, current day Sleepy Hollow is what I grew up picturing American towns to be like; filled with tree-lined streets, a constant foliage coverage (regardless of the time of the year), and Hocus Pocus like scenery. The massive, collegiate looking High Schools only bolster the idealized image I had in my mind as a child -- especially since it was such a far cry from my own reality growing up in Los Angeles. With Miss B in town, I knew she would similarly revel in the completely romanticized vision in my mind, so we set up with my S.O. for a day in Sleepy Hollow. The drive was quick (a fast hour or so from Brooklyn), and before we knew it we were in some kind of magical American town reserved for Disney movies, (however stereotypically suburban it may have been, on closer inspection).
We visited the house that Washington Irving lived and worked in, and walked through the town to its cemetery, and ate Bratwurst and drank cider at a Halloween block party. It was very twilight zone and it truly felt like I rewound to Hocus Pocus/Sabrina the Teenage Witch (mid-1990s to boot), all while wearing my cat sweater that not-so-subtly played on the Salem/Winifred/superstitious cat theme, (as if I'm not, in fact, an unabashed cat lady).

  Photos of me by Miss B, All others by me.

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