{GIVEAWAY} Celebrating You

Though we are two weeks into the new year, resolutions are still heavily on my mind. I do my best to improve myself in all aspects of my life on a daily basis (I mean, really, why procrastinate until tomorrow or the new year?), but there's something about the symbolism of a "new year" that makes it easier to plan, schedule, and fulfill personal goals. Despite that, the culture of "resolutions" can seem taxing and even oppressive at times, and there's so much language about how you need to improve (your mind, your body, your entire existence), that it can be a challenge to remember the things that we do love about ourselves. 

After all, it is much easier to scrutinize than celebrate the many beautiful and exciting things about who we are. Your waistline isn't tiny enough. Your salary isn't big enough. Most of us (and I'm not exception) could probably come up with a laundry list about things we would change about our character and physicality and professional development. And why is it that it's so much easier to dwell on the negative (or even go searching for it, and creating "negatives" out of things that aren't even all that bad) in the first place?

And what about the myriad of wonderful things about ourselves?

I love my positive outlook on life.
I love that I can find humor in nearly all situations.
I love my ability to connect with people of all types of backgrounds.
I love how open I am to new individuals and situations and places.
I love my legs. No "but," I just love my legs.
I love that I am sensitive to others and perceptive of how they are feeling.  

I love my multicultural background and how it has given me a unique perspective on people and places and the world.
I love how honest and genuine I am. I used to think I was "honest to a fault," but I'm starting to believe it's only a good thing.
I love my eyes, big and open and one of the only visible markings of my ethnic heritage.
I love my family - both chosen and of origin. I love how they've made me into the woman I am, and I love what I can give back to them.
I love that I can allow myself to feel vulnerable at times, and let me feelings move from mind to pen to paper. 
I love that I can put a great outfit together and walk out my door feeling amazing about myself.

This is all a very long way of saying that I hope you, too, are able to use this time of renewal and reflection to not just scrutinize and critique, but also take stock and inventory of all your amazing qualities, too. Maybe it's your lips or the way you make your favorite family recipe. Maybe it's your math skills or the way you walk in heels. Whatever it is, I hope you are taking full note and reminding yourself that it's there. And best of all, Simply Be also hopes you're celebrating YOU. PS: If you're not familiar, Simply Be is an e-commerce supersite that specializes in fashion in sizes 10+, (but there is truly something for everyone).

In partnership with Simply Be, we're offering what is absolutely the best giveaway I've done, to date. Three winners, from across the US (48-contiguous states only), will be flown out to NYC for a weekend of fun. All you have to do to enter is create a Board on Pinterest celebrating YOU, and comment below with a link to the pin board! That is it! (Hint: You can also hashtag your pins with #celebrateyou #nicolettemason or #simplybe so we can track your pins as they're published!)

What's up for grabs?
A weekend trip to NYC (all expenses paid!)
Styling session with moi, courtesy of Simply Be!
New clothes!
Wardrobe planning and strategizing!
A professional photo shoot!
 Party with some of your favorite blogging darlings!
AND SO MUCH MORE! I promise! 


The winners will be announced on (or around!) January 22, 2013. Winners all must be available the weekend of February 2nd. We will curate our top 10 Pinterest boards and then use a random number generator to select three winners from the top 10.

This contest is sponsored by SimplyBe.com, and I am also being compensated for my participation. Contest winners will be announced on or around January 22, 2013. For detailed rules & regulations, please see the fine print below! 

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN THE CONTEST (“CONTEST”) Entry into this Contest constitutes your acceptanceof these rules.

CONTEST ENTRY DATES: Monday,January 14, 2013 through Monday, January 21, 2013, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Contestis only open to U.S. legal residents living in the continental U.S.with a valid email address. Winners must be 18 years or older.Contestantsmust be available on February 2, 2013 to be in New York City.

AllEntries will be judged based on judges’ discretion.  Winners will bedetermined after the contest’s end dateand will be notified by email. At the discretion of Simply Be USA orNicolette Mason, the winners may be disqualified if they are noteligible based on the requirements set forth above. In the event it isdetermined that a winner has not complied with theserules, has failed to execute and return any required documents withinthe specified time period, has made false statements, or a prizenotification is returned as undeliverable, then the winner will bedisqualified and at the sole discretion of Simply Be USAor Nicolette Mason, and an alternate winner may be chosen.

Winningconstitutes permission (except where prohibited by law) to use Winner’sname, images, hometown, likeness,prize won, and photograph (all at Simply Be USA’s discretion) forfuture advertising, publicity in any and all media now or hereafterdevised throughout the world in perpetuity, without additionalcompensation, notification or permission.

UPDATE: The winners have been contacted directly, and I cannot wait to meet them (and introduce you to them, too), this weekend! 


London Calling


Bangkok Flower Market