Bangkok Flower Market

One of my favorite things in the world is fresh flowers. It's one of those utterly simple treats that is cheerful, colorful, and makes any space just a bit more homey and personal - even something as temporary and transient as a hotel room. I have the pleasure of being in Thailand for the second time in my life, this time visiting Bangkok again and Phuket for the first time. It's incredible how much the city of Bangkok has transformed in the ten years since I last visited! There's a sky train, a bevvy of new night markets and weekend markets, and a global sensibility that I don't remember feeling the last time I was here. Truthfully, Instagram's popular page may be the reason (I kid, I kid - but seriously, I'm pretty sure the entirety of the Instagram popular page consists of One Direction photos and Thai people).One of my favorite destinations on this trip was the flower market in Bangkok.... The photos are pretty self explanatory, and stunning - at least in my humble opinion.

{GIVEAWAY} Celebrating You


It's a Jewel Thing