{INSIDE THE STUDIO} The World of Tatty Devine

Created in celebration of Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! by Tatty Devine

It's hard to remember exactly what the gateway to Tatty Devine's colorful, quirky jewelry line was, but I believe it was during the latter years of high school through LiveJournal, where most of my early fashion discoveries came from. I'm sure that I bought my first pieces from the since-sadly-defunct Fred Flare website, and every trip to London since has required a pilgrimage to one of their stores. By all accounts, I've turned into a bit of a collector, waiting on every new collection to see what pieces would make their way across the atlantic and into my now-overflowing wardrobe of fun, costume jewelry, (among my favorites, my Frida Kahlo brooch, and the tiny enamel Swallow earrings that have been part of my arsenal for nearly a decade).

Throughout my years of online fangirling, I've had an opportunity to develop a bit of a relationship with the PR and social media darlings at Tatty Devine HQ, and when they caught word that I'd be their neighbor during my London trip, they invited me over. How could I pass that up? I imagined a rainbow hued perspex wonder world where there was an ongoing stream of motown hits playing, and girls who could give Jess Day's wardrobe a run for its money - and I was not too far off. A walk through Shoreditch took me to their bi-level studio, where everything from brainstorming to candy eating to production takes place, and damn, does everyone who work there seem happy (and so, so sweet).

Special thanks to Amy and Emily for inviting me over and giving me a tour of the space. 

{STYLE} Daylight Savings


London Calling