je t'aime coco

karl lagerfeld directed a 10-minute silent film as an homage to coco chanel. above, watch a short clip from the film. i'm dying to see the other eight-and-a-half minutes.

below, two adorable, and all TOO fashionable children... i don't know the original source, but it was referred to me via kanye's blog. from jak & jill (thank you julia!)

seriously? these kids look better and more put-together than most fashion-forward adults i know. who are their parents? can they dress me, too?... please?

on a somewhat related, but not, note -- i was reminded last night of a couple of pseudo classmates from parsons (that is to say, we graduated the same semester and have loads of mutual friends, but i'm not sure i've actually ever met either of the following ladies) who made a thesis collection that is as much art as it is beautiful, wearable clothing. the two go by the name death by drone, and collaborate to make artwork that is whimsical and curious and wish-list worthy, (wink).

i love these pieces of theirs:

PLUS; can you think of a more inventive way to display dresses, than how death by drone did at their gallery show at parsons? yeah -- no wire hangers, garment racks, or mannequins -- instead, dozens of black balloons. love.

