Lanvin + Leopard + Giving Thanks

There is SO much for me to be thankful for this year. Though I make it a point to be grateful and appreciative every day of my life, this Thanksgiving gives me a special opportunity, just a few weeks shy of the years end, to recount what has certainly been a tumultuous year - and it has really, truly, been an incredible one. So many things have changed this year, and most of them have been for the better: from the end of my first year in my new home, to major changes in my career, to many, many travels (Berlin! Tokyo! Kyoto! Los Angeles! San Francisco! and in just a few weeks... Bali!) Trust me, I'm still in awe that all these incredible experiences happened. It was also a year when I met many amazing, incredible, inspiring people - including, but not limited to, all the awesome women at the YFF Conference (seriously, these girls have become some of my favorite people in the world). I'm thankful for my health. I'm thankful for my luck. I'm thankful for all the amazing opportunities I'm afforded on a daily basis.

This Thanksgiving also marked the first time ever, in my life, that I was away from my family. It was pretty bittersweet; I missed my family big time, but I also had an incredible time with some of my favorite people in NYC, (scroll down for some of our yummy Thanksgiving treats)! I was feeling pretty festive, so I ended up wearing one of my new Lanvin ♥ H&M tops and the gorgeous faux fur coat that was sent to me by Evans!

Faux Fur Coat - Gifted by Evans, Embellished T-Shirt - Lanvin ♥ H&M, Pencil Skirt - American Apparel, Black Tights - Hue,
Platforms - Jeffrey Campbell Lita, Sunglasses - Lanvin ♥ H&M

Quilted Blush Pink Patent Clutch - Marc Jacobs Collection, Stag Head Ring - Topman, Hot Pink Nail Polish - "Steamy" by MAC

I really wanted to be able to show you more of the top, but sorry - it's way too cold right now!

The infamous Jeffrey Campbell Litas, from Solestruck

Outfit photos by Austin Manning

And of course... our Thanksgiving Feast!

We had quite the smorgasboard of traditional Thanksgiving foods, with a heavy dose of carbs! It was dangerous, there was more food than I could even attempt to try - and the best part? Everything was homemade - sauteed kale, brussels sprouts, steamed broccoli, sweet potato mash with toasted marshmallows, herb mash potatoes, two kinds of stuffing, turkey, mac and cheese, pumpkin cheesecake, carrot cake, and of course - tons of wine... I'm getting full just thinking about it! Every single meal since Thanksgiving has made use of the excessive amount of leftovers we all had. I'm getting to a point where I could use a little variety!

I hope you all had a fabulous, restful Thanksgiving!

Are you there, Miuccia? It's me, Nicolette


Lanvin x H&M