{STYLE} 72-Hours

It was an unseasonably warm 60-something degrees yesterday, a carry-over from an also-surprisingly-temperate weekend - one that flew by way too quickly. It's hard to believe that we're already half-way through November - with fewer than six weeks remaining until 2014. This has been a year of monumental change and growth and strength for me, and without getting too reflective just yet (I'll save that for the end of the year, I guess), I am absolutely having a hard time figuring out where exactly the time goes. The answer is probably somewhere between New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, a few trans-atlantic flights, puppy kisses and kitten snuggles, a whole lot of love and loving, and more sleepless nights than I can keep track of. Over the last few months, pockets of 72-hours sprinkled here and there have been the periods that punctuate my life and force me to pause.

This weekend I had another 72-hours with Ali. I love my visits to New Orleans, but there's nothing quite like spending time with her here - in Brooklyn, where it's sometimes too cold or too hot and where we've carved out a little den called home. Where we can fall back into our normal routine of dog walks and morning coffee and S'mores on the waterfront and our favorite mediterranean brunch and later sitting side-by-side on our laptops working together. For 72-hours everything feels alive. And if the weather is as good as it was this weekend (even the extremely misty Sunday felt beautiful), it means I can step outside with bare legs and a smile.

Photos by Lydia Hudgens


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