{STYLE} Made in LA

Slowly but surely, my new life in LA is starting to find its own patterns and rhythms. New routines, new places to be "regulars," new traditions (Friday nights are for family, now, and Sunday mornings are for farmers markets and exercising), and a world of neighborhoods and streets and cafes and bars to explore - most of which have cropped up since I left for college. Ali and I are finding the spots that remind us of New York but that are so, so LA in their own right. We've found the coffee shops that we love, the neighborhood bakeries that cater to my gluten-free needs*, and most importantly - are connecting with old and new friends. It feels good to be surrounded by community, family, and by people who are genuinely excited that Ali and I are here - and though our time is spread thin, with me working on a million different projects, and Ali conducting research studies while also completing her doctoral dissertation, we're doing our best to be intentional with our time and how we share it with the people around us. 

It still feels strange to be in the city where I grew up, where I spent my formative years, and that my entire family calls home, and in many ways still feel like an outsider. The streets are the same, but the storefronts and people who populate them are definitely not. In time, I know it will all get more familiar. 

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

* I've received lots of questions and comments about this on instagram and twitter, and I promise I will write about my celiacs diagnosis and that transition soon. Even though only 1% of the population have celiacs disease, I do have some helpful tips on cooking and eating out with a gluten free diet. 


{STYLE} Great Lingerie Under $30?! YES! (And a Giveaway!)


{STYLE} Ava & Viv Fall... It's Coming!!