{STYLE} The Dionne to my Cher -- Style Swapping with Gabi Gregg

When I launched this blog five years ago, I never expected that it would give me so many experiences and gifts. My blog has landed me most of my jobs (including my gig at Marie Claire), it has given me face-to-face access with some of my most admired and favorite designers and seated me at their runway shows, and it has even brought a few pairs of shoes to my door. I cherish and appreciate them all equally, but on par with the others - god, this sounds so cheesy, but trust me it's sincere - is that I've met some of my best friends by sharing my rants and raves and obsessions on this little space. 
It's no secret that GabiFresh and I are not just blogging-besties, but also IRL-BFFs; what doesn't always make it's way to the internet, though, is the very, very Cher & Dionne closet-sharing reality of our totally-platonic love affair. On her super-frequent visits, Gabi's suitcase becomes my playground, and my closet becomes hers -- on the odd chance that we don't actually have all the same pieces, anyways. We basically have dress-up parties where we swap everything with each other from head to toe and gush over how we each interpret the same piece. It's great to have a friend you can borrow from, but it's even better to have a friend who inspires you - and Gabi constantly encourages me to push my boundaries and try something new. It's likely I'd never approach the idea of a crop top without her cheering me on from the sidelines!

Gwynnie Bee extended the offer to us to play dress up together - which gave us a chance to style each of our looks "our way" -- but what we learned is that our styles are so much more similar than we thought. Part of the appeal of Gwynnie Bee, for me, is that it's like having access to your best friends closet - you can share, swap, exchange styling secrets - all with the convenience of pre-paid return envelopes and a massive selection of clothing to choose from. Even though Gabi and I don't live close to each other anymore, we can still effectively "share" an entire wardrobe of possibilities, and the best part? Neither of us has to fight over the same piece! 

This post was sponsored by Gwynnie Bee.
All opinions are my own. 
Check Gabi's blog for her take on our dress-up party and details on her looks!
Photos by Lydia Hudgens


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