{STYLE} Walking the Dog

The weekend of Thanksgiving, this adorable creature came into my life. She was barely bigger than my palm and wobbled when she walked, but she had the most precious face and was practically begging for someone to love her. Continue...


When I met Francoise (who I tend to call Frankie) the day after Thanksgiving, she was sick and tiny and ridiculously full of love. I have always loved pugs, and always wanted a dog in my life, but didn't necessarily think I'd bring one home that needed 24/7 attention in the beginning. Fortunately, with the help of friends and a few of Brooklyn's finest vets, Frankie was quickly rehabilitated and cured of all her ailments.I didn't grow up with pets.
My parents both have severe animal hair and dander allergies, so it was never something we could really negotiate or compromise on. We occasionally had birds (love birds, a Senegal parrot), and at one point a sizable aquarium, but never anything I could selfishly hold and cuddle and play with when Barbies failed to capture my attention. I relied on trips to the mall so I could fawn over the pet store pups (long before I learned of the cruelty of pet shops), and play dates with friends who had houses full of golden retrievers and Labradors. In fact, it's possible that all of my childhood friends had dogs at home; I wonder if that was part of their initial appeal?

When I moved to NYC and into an apartment my love grew stronger. I'd plead with my roommate, Jordan, to let me get a puppy - and we'd both become insanely excited until we realized our prolific academic and social lives would probably prevent either one of us from being attentive dog-parents.

Then, when I moved into my tiny 1-bedroom in the West Village, my puppy proclivity was again moved to the back burner. Surprisingly, never a cat person (this will shock anyone that knows me now), I ended up adopting a kitten from my two friends who were fostering a litter. She was black and white and her ASPCA papers said her name was Licorice (but I didn't know that until a while after she moved in), and nearly 7 years later, she still lives with me (and has evolved into a "Lily.)
Life with a puppy has felt even more complete. Yes, it is a lot of work. Everyone tells you having a dog is a lot of work - but it is a. lot. of. work! Training and feeding schedules and play time and constant walks have all become a normal part of my life, though, and each morning feels better with a big smooch on the face from my still-tiny Francoise.

As for the outfit, certainly not a typical dog walking outfit, but you'd be shocked how comfortable those Antipodium heels are!!!


Leaving on a Jet Plane


{STYLE} The Little White Dress