Summer, Summer, Summertime.

Summer in the City: Rooftop barbecues and gatherings with friends. Peonies for days. Sweating before 9 AM. Afternoon strolls. Bike rides along the waterfront. Museum days. McQueen at The Met. Fresh watermelon + coconut + pineapple. Platform sandals. Laying in the grass watching the sunset. More live music in a span of several days than I've enjoyed in months (YACHT, Beirut, Oh Landm...). Every weekend at the Brooklyn Flea. Creep + Nina Sky's "You" on repeat. A million frozen treats to brave the high temperatures. Central Park in the early evening. Oysters and gin. Vogue Collections. Mid-week happy hour indulgences. Open back dresses as lo-fi ventilation. Re-reading Murakami favorites. Giant straw hats. Hazy skylines.

Photos from my iPhone via Instagram

What has your summer entailed so far? Any upcoming events, trips, happenings you're looking forward to??

When Wishlisting Works


Beirut at Northside Festival