{STYLE} Check Mate

When things start feeling too comfortable, it's time to shake it all up. Maybe that's why I'm in the throes of this cross-country move, why I'm immersing myself into dozens of project, why I took up the opportunity to go paddle boarding in the ocean with a group of strangers, why I'm insisting on trying new-to-me hairstyles, and, finally, why I'm wearing pants. Yes, jeans have steadily made their way into the foundations of my wardrobe, but trousers -- printed, statement-making trousers, no less, are still new to me. This high-waisted, slightly-wide-leg pair from Addition Elle caught my eye with its bang-on trend grid print (and I'm totally swooning over the matching longline blazer, too). I always admire the way my BFF Gabi wears soft pants, but they've never looked right on me, (until now?!) I especially love how this pair elongates my legs; it's a serious game changing illusion considering I'm, like, 70% torso. That's not an exaggeration... but it is, absolutely, why I have a penchant for high-waist anything.

This whole minimalism-as-an-aesthetic thing is starting to grow on me, too. I haven't exactly gone the way of Marie Kondo, (duh, it's going to take a lot more than sleek clothes to quell my magpie ways), but I'm feeling this look... a lot

BUT WAIT, there's more!! I can officially share that I'm working with the babes at Addition Elle on a collection of 7 party dresses!! The collection will be out early next spring and I cannot wait to share it with you. You can catch some more info and a glimpse at my inspiration behind the collection here.

This post is part of my ongoing partnership with Addition Elle.
All contents and opinions are my own. 

{STYLE} That 70's Feeling


{STYLE} My AVA&VIV Fall Look Book!