{STYLE} Femme Fatale

If you're as compulsive about checking Instagram as I am, and happen to be following me, you may have noticed my hair has been getting progressively lighter. I've been experimenting with different hair colors since I was 13-years-old and got my first dose of Very-California-Girl highlights that I used as a jumping off point for the beginning of a longterm addiction to Manic Panic. Continue...

Since then, my hair has virtually spanned the entire rainbow (though I've dabbled with shades of blue and turquoise, I've entirely skipped proper shades of green). It's been dip-dyed and ginger and half-horribly-untoned-bleach-and-half-box-dye-black. For me, experimenting with my hair (both color and cuts) has been as integral a part of my self-expression and sartorial identity as my wardrobe. 

As my hair has inched closer towards my personal Blonde Ambition Tour (2013, Featuring Performances by Flores), I've noticed it influencing my style just a little bit more. My redheaded days brought on an influx of Pin-Up-inspired looks, and as a newly minted blonde, I'm having moments of Hard Femme Leather Lady and Real Housewife of Brooklyn and Courtney Love Pre-Rehab (but without the self medicating), and obviously not all at the same time. Nineties revival, I'll be coming for you in such a real way. Maybe.


What has your hair history looked like? And how has it influenced your style? 


{STYLE} Electric Blue


{STYLE} Pretty In Pink